Welcome To The Revenue Harvest Podcast: Built By Sales Leaders For Sales Leaders
Like many of you, I listen to many podcasts, but none of them are built by sales leaders, explicitly for sales leaders. Sure, sales leaders can learn a ton about selling and leadership from the podcasts that already exist, but they don’t implicitly explore the problems sales leaders face each and every day. They don’t dedicate the entire programming to building better sales leaders.
In Tribes, Seth Godin states that people don’t want watered down. They don’t want general information. What we really want is connection to like minded people who are interested in the same ideas and solving the same set of problems.
I created the Revenue Harvest Podcast just for leaders of sales teams because somehow the rapidly growing podcast market hasn’t yet completely met the needs of the sales leader.
I built this podcast for you. You deserve a podcast that explores the problems that keep you up at night. Problems like: how do I know if my team has everything they need to succeed? Or how do I make sure we hit our targets?
My hope is that you will be able to turn the decades of experience each guest brings into better days in your future as a sales leader. The episodes are short (less than an hour), so you can listen as you commute or during a workout. They are simple and practical conversations so that you can implement the insight immediately.
Don’t expect an episode every week. Like you, I’m still building and leading sales teams so I can’t commit to a weekly cadence; but, I will commit to steadily providing you with expert advice from seasoned executives, sales leaders and entrepreneurs that have successfully built best-in-class sales teams.
The first few episodes are available for your listening pleasure. Michael Burcharm kicks off the season with a conversation about engaging and leading your Board and executive team. Jeremey Donovan unpacks the importance of value reviews and Miles Adcox shares insights into the sales leader’s dilemma.
Check out the first few episodes of season one.
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