You can consistently hit your sales
targets year over year.

You must take the annual planning process seriously. If you don’t know how to build a solid sales plan, that’s ok, neither does your executive team or board.

I do.
Let me help you. 


Sales Planning Simplified Kit

  • Essential Elements Of Sales Planning PDF

    Signed copy of Revenue Harvest

    Annual Sales Planning Excel templates

    Explainer videos

  • Essential Elements Of Sales Planning PDF

    Signed copy of Revenue Harvest

    Annual Sales Planning Excel templates

    Explainer videos

    One-hour plan review with Nigel

  • Essential Elements Of Sales Planning PDF

    Signed copy of Revenue Harvest

    Annual Sales Planning Excel templates

    Explainer videos

    1/2 day or 4 dedicated hours with your team to build a fail-proof sales plan

    Series of three calls for review and feedback


I created Sales Planning Simplified so that you

can present the C-suite with a solid sales plan, and then go deliver. When you start consistently hitting your sales targets, your value to the business goes through the roof. 
Once you master the four elements of sales planning, you become unstoppable. 2-3 months before the selling year starts, you need to start working on your plan.

For most of us, that’s October and November. Right now. 

If you’re tired of being given a target that you can’t hit. 

If missing your targets isn’t an option. 

If you want to go from being seen as the sales manager to the executive sales leader. 

Then let’s work on your plan together. 


57% of sales teams miss their quota.



That means success is a relative flip of the coin. Many factors contribute to this statistic.

After a decade of leading sales teams, here are some common reasons sales targets are missed:

- the targets were never attainable
- the quota was set after the year was well under way
- the sales team wasn’t bought in to the plan
- operations and sales weren’t working off the same targets

Sound familiar?

The average tenure of a sales leader is less than three years. When you consider that most teams don’t hit their target it’s easy to see why.


"After decades of building companies, I’ve seen all the growth hacks and fads come and go. Nigel’s no-nonsense approach to sales leadership is refreshing."

- Michael Burcham
Healthcare CEO, Strategist, Entrepreneur, and Innovator

"Find a clear path to grow themselves and their businesses. Given the no-nonsense approach and clear method, sales leaders will find the support they need for consistent performance from their teams."

- Jessica Walker
Founding CEO of Care Sherpa


"Nigel is the dream business parter we all wish we had on our team full time. His processes for building and leading high performance teams are essential for all entrepreneurs and sales driven organizations."

- Matt Tant
CEO, Relode